12 Legit and free Ways to fight Covid-19 in 2022 – U4Help

12 Legit and free Ways to fight Covid-19 in 2022

12 Legit and free Ways to fight Covid-19 in 2022

If you’re looking to fight Covid-19 in 2022, there are a few legit ways to do so. Here are ten of the best, and we promise they won’t require any expensive equipment or training.

What Covid-19 is and what it’s doing

Covid-19, also known as SARS-CoV (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus), is an airborne virus that has been linked to a number of outbreaks in the Middle East and Africa. The virus is highly contagious and can cause severe respiratory illness in humans. It’s responsible for more than 100 deaths in the Middle East each month, making Covid-19 one of the most deadly viruses on the planet.

To fight Covid-19 in 2022, you need to be prepared to deal with it. There is no vaccine or treatment available yet that can fully protect you from this virus. You should also be aware of its symptoms and how to avoid getting sick.

Ventilation and air purifiers

Ventilation and air purifiers are effective in removing harmful particles from the air, thereby reducing the risk of getting infected. The WHO recommends that people with high risk of infection should use a N95 mask or an N100 mask to keep away from airborne particles (WHO, 2009).


Hygiene: Wash your hands often with soap and water. If you have open cuts or wounds, clean them immediately with soap and water and apply antibiotic cream on them to prevent infection. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and other mucous membranes as much as possible because these areas are more prone to infection than others. Soap should be used for washing hands at least 30 times a day (WHO, 2012).

Avoid contact with sick people

Avoid contact with sick people: if there is any contact between you and a person who is infected with COVID-19, wash your hands immediately after the contact has been made. If you feel unwell while travelling or at work, stay home until you are feeling better. If you feel unwell after visiting someone in hospital who has been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 fever, inform the hospital authorities so that they can take necessary precautions against further spread of the virus (WHO, 2009).


Wear a N95 mask when travelling by public transport such as buses or trains; wear an N100 mask if you have to stay for long hours indoors. If you are not sure about the type of mask to use, ask the people around you for their opinion and advice. Do not use a face mask that is too tight as this may restrict your breathing (WHO, 2009).

Wash your hands

wash your hands frequently with soap and water to remove harmful particles from them. Wash them both before and after eating or touching objects contaminated with saliva and other secretions, as well as after using the toilet (WHO, 2012).
Avoid contact with people who have been in close contact with someone infected with COVID-19
if you come into contact with someone who has recently been in close contact with someone who has respiratory symptoms such as coughing or sneezing, wash your hands immediately after the touch has been made (WHO, 2009).

Avoid being bitten by mosquitoes

wear long sleeves and trousers to protect yourself from mosquito bites. If necessary, use insect repellents containing DEET on exposed skin; spray on clothes using an aerosol can; spray on shoes using a pump sprayer; apply insect repellents on bedding and curtains; apply mosquito coils; leave doors open at night to allow insects to enter without entering the house yourself (WHO, 2008).

Use an air filter

if you have a home air conditioner or central air conditioning system installed in your house, install a HEPA filter/ionizer that removes airborne particles from indoor air up to 0.3 microns in size. The HEPA filter/ionizer should be certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to remove particles down to 0.3 microns in size (WHO, 2008).

Wear clothes that cover your whole body

wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers, preferably made of natural materials such as cotton or linen, to protect yourself from mosquito bites. Use insect repellents containing DEET on exposed skin; spray on clothes using an aerosol can; spray on shoes using a pump sprayer; apply insect repellents on bedding and curtains; use mosquito coils in the house (WHO, 2008).

Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth

wash your hands frequently with soap and water to remove harmful particles from them. Wash them both before and after eating or touching objects contaminated with saliva or other secretions (WHO, 2012).

Keep your house and surroundings clean

wash your hands before eating or touching objects contaminated with saliva and other secretions, as well as after using the toilet (WHO, 2012).

Reduce the risk of getting infected by not touching body fluids

do not kiss, hug or shake hands with someone who has been in close contact with an infected person; avoid sharing cups and utensils with people who have been in close contact with someone infected with COVID-19; avoid kissing babies on their cheeks (WHO, 2009).

Use natural means of treatment like plants or vinegar

Plants are a natural means of treatment for Covid-19. They contain antiviral properties and can help to control the spread of the virus. Vinegar is another effective means of treatment. It’s a good choice because it doesn’t contain chemicals and it’s not as harmful to humans as other treatments. Additionally, vinegar is effective against other viruses as well, so it can be used in combination with other treatments to achieve the best results.

Take an organic diet

Covid-19 is caused by the virus through contact with an infected person. If you’re looking to fight Covid-19, your best bet is to take an organic diet. This means that you avoid eating things that contain meat, poultry, eggs, milk, or cheese. It also means you avoid touching and coming in contact with people who are sick with Covid-19.

Get vaccinated

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends getting vaccinated against Covid-19. It’s important to protect yourself and your loved ones, as Covid-19 can cause severe health complications. The CDC also offers a vaccine kit to help you get the vaccine.

Drink lots of water

Water is one of the most important things you can do for your health and your business. Drink plenty of water and you’ll help prevent Covid-19 from taking hold. You can also drink plenty of tea, coffee, and other caffeinated drinks to help fight Covid-19.


If you want to fight Covid-19 in 2022, it’s important to take the necessary precautions! Some natural methods of treatment are as follows: using plants or vinegar to fight Covid-19, taking an organic diet, getting vaccinated, and drinking plenty of water.

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